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English translation for "教区主教"


Related Translations:
教区:  deanerydioceseparishstake
教区牧师:  parsonprescriberectorthe vicarvicar
教区委员:  vestryman
教区年鉴:  annals of the parish
教区居民:  parishioner
教区议会:  parish council
教区报:  hoja parroquial
教区制度:  parochialism
教区图书馆:  parish library
教区传教士:  missioner
Example Sentences:
1.Bishop , catholic diocese of hong kong
2.The catholic diocese of hong kong
3.Bishop joseph zen
4.Bishop joseph zen takes his seat ( cathedral ) , as sign of his ministry to the catholic people of hong kong
5.Father gan ' s appointment follows the september elevation of li shan to bishop in beijing , which was later endorsed by the pope
6.In september 2002 , bishop joseph zen was appointed head of hong kong s catholic diocese . bishop zen has been an outspoken critic of both mainland and hong kong policies
7.Mysteries of the holy rosary and the evangelization year on the 19th of october the diocese combined the celebration of the rosary year with the inauguration of the year of evangelization
8.Mysteries of the holy rosary and the evangelization year ( on the 19th of october the diocese combined the celebration of the rosary year with the inauguration of the year of evangelization
9.I hope the special commission that is being formed by the church will work to find a satisfying solution to this dilemma : one that can maintain the relationship between bishop and priest on the one hand , and avoid giving the wrong impression that the church places itself above the law
10.Messages of condolence and sympathy are being hourly received from all parts of the different continents and the sovereign pontiff has been graciously pleased to decree that a special missa pro defunctis shall be celebrated simultaneously by the ordinaries of each and every cathedral church of all the episcopal dioceses subject to the spiritual authority of the holy see in suffrage of the souls of those faithful departed who have been so unexpectedly called away from our midst
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