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English translation for "不悔改"


Related Translations:
悔改:  repent and mend one's ways 短语和例子为时已晚的悔改 a death-bed repentance; 毫无悔改之意 have no intention of mending one's ways; show no sign of repentance; 决心悔改 be determined to mend one's ways; 悔改程度 [法律]
悔改态度:  attitude toward repentance
真心悔改:  sincerely repent and earnestly reform oneself
毫不悔改:  fail to show any sign of repentance
悔改程度:  extent of repentance
决心悔改:  be determined to mend one's ways
强制悔改:  coerced repentance
悔改地:  repentantly
悔改的:  penitentiaryrepentant
悔改前非:  repent of former misdeeds
Example Sentences:
1.He has to associate with tough criminals .
2.And you , when you saw it , did not later regret it to believe him
3.I tell you , no ! but unless you repent , you too will all perish
4.I tell you , nay : but , except ye repent , ye shall all likewise perish
5.No , i tell you ; but unless you repent , you shall all likewise perish
6." i tell you , no , but unless you repent , you will all likewise perish
路13 : 3我告诉你们、不是的你们若不悔改、都要如此灭亡。
7.[ kjv ] i tell you , nay : but , except ye repent , ye shall all likewise perish
8.Lk . 13 : 3 no , i tell you ; but unless you repent , you shall all likewise perish
9.If he turn not , he will whet his sword ; he hath bent his bow , and made it ready
10.[ kjv ] if he turn not , he will whet his sword ; he hath bent his bow , and made it ready
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