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English translation for "不必惊慌"

there is no need to panic

Related Translations:
引起惊慌的:  scary
不必见怪:  don't be offended if you're booed
不必失去:  don't have to lose
不必复函:  please ignore this letter
不必提及:  not to mention
不必回信:  nrn no reply necessarynrn ――no reply necessary
不必回复:  no reply necessary
不必说:  needless to say
不必挂念:  not to be anxious about
不必想我:  don&aposdon't think of met think of me
Example Sentences:
1.There is no need to panic .
2.The panic ' s over . everything ' s under control
3.Othello . nay , stare not , masters : it is true , indeed
4.Don ' t be alarmed , as this is normal
5.That ' ll bring me right over the hole , sir . - there ' s no need to panic
6.- that ' ll bring me right over the hole , sir . - there ' s no need to panic
7.It is ok to get altitude illness . it is not ok to die from it
8.I promise i won ' t spend more than a hundred pounds in the sales so don ' t get your knickers in a twist
9.But , don ' t panic . by recognizing the problem , you are taking the first step towards overcoming it
10.It ' s not a time for homeowners to panic . any price declines are unlikely to wipe out their gains of recent years
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