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Home > chinese-english > "不必说" in English

English translation for "不必说"

needless to say

Related Translations:
不必见怪:  don't be offended if you're booed
不必失去:  don't have to lose
不必复函:  please ignore this letter
不必提及:  not to mention
不必考虑:  let alone: not to mention without considering
不必回信:  nrn no reply necessarynrn ――no reply necessary
不必回复:  no reply necessary
不必挂念:  not to be anxious about
不必想我:  don&aposdon't think of met think of me
不必十分过不去:  don't take it so much to heart
Example Sentences:
1.She knows french , much more english .
2. "you needn't tell stories, sir," said mame, cool and advised .
3.I am convinced that he is far cleverer than most men, not to mention my wife .
4.As ladies of quality are so taken with my daughters, what will not men of quality be .
5.I doubt whether anyone had begun to think about the problem of even transcribing, let alone organizing, seven years of conversation .
6.Since you know that , i don ' t have to say it
7.Hey , look , you don ' t have to say anything
8.Needless to say , kobe ' s per is probably accurate
9.Love means never having to say sorry
10.He has great wisdom , to say nothing of his engaging ma ers
Similar Words:
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