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English translation for "不得善终"

impossible to acquire a peaceful end

Related Translations:
善终医院:  hospice
挨不得:  layto
不得前后:  defficulty in urination and defecationdifficulty in urination and defecationdysuria and constipationdysuria and dyschezianothing per urethra and anusurination and defecation disorder
去不得:  must not go
不得开启:  the tenderer shall sign and keethe bid documents when receiving and may not open them
记不得:  can't remember
不得用药:  must not be administered to
不得穿过:  no through passage
不得温饱:  without enough to eat and wear
不得用钩:  no hooks
Example Sentences:
1.Charles was a man doomed to tragic issues .
2.Or simply disappear
3.Or simply disappear
4.Yes , this is a very dark and catastrophic tale . even though there are a lot of ransom movies around , it is quite rare to have one that only contains pure tragedy
5.Yes , this is a very dark and catastrophic tale . even though there are a lot of ransom movies around , it is quite rare to have one that only contains pure tragedy
6.Meanwhile , the distance between appointment policy and reality , the fact that most of the ministers didn ' t wind up properly join to expose the problems existing in the political system at that time
7.Yes , this is a very dark and catastrophic tale . even though there are a lot of ransom movies around , it is quite rare to have one that only contains pure tragedy . everyone in the movie has unbelievably bad fortune
Similar Words:
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