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English translation for "不得开启"

the tenderer shall sign and keethe bid documents when receiving and may not open them

Related Translations:
挨不得:  layto
不得善终:  impossible to acquire a peaceful end
不得前后:  defficulty in urination and defecationdifficulty in urination and defecationdysuria and constipationdysuria and dyschezianothing per urethra and anusurination and defecation disorder
去不得:  must not go
记不得:  can't remember
不得用药:  must not be administered to
不得穿过:  no through passage
不得温饱:  without enough to eat and wear
开启位置:  enable positionopen positionopen site
不得用钩:  no hooks
Example Sentences:
1.The tenderer shall sign and keep the bid documents when receiving and may not open them
2.This system is used for safety reasons when one valve must not be opened without a second valve first being closed
Similar Words:
"不得接吻" English translation, "不得劲" English translation, "不得经营麻黄素业务" English translation, "不得拒付的票据, 托收无承付的票据" English translation, "不得据为己有" English translation, "不得力的" English translation, "不得力的抢险队" English translation, "不得了" English translation, "不得了的" English translation, "不得零干" English translation