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English translation for "一举成名天下知"

gain worldwide fame and success overnight

Related Translations:
一举成名:  spring into fame; achieve instant fame; become famous overnight;become famous with one move; bound into fame; make one's name known at a single attempt; vault into prominence 短语和例子一举成名天下知
一举成名的典型例证:  lao zhang was vaulted to fame a classic example of overnight success
通过演这部大片而一举成名:  take off through the play in this big film
鞭笞天下:  flog the world; make the people of the world at one's beck and call
天下谷:  amagaiamakai
行骗天下:  confidence
天下足球:  total soccerworld soccer
天下大同:  niki nana(we're one)
威震天下:  inspire awe throughout the country [all corners of the world]; one's majesty is felt throughout the whole country
天下画报:  trien hsia illustratedtrien-hsia illustrated
Example Sentences:
1.After ten years' hard study noticed by none , his fame fills the land once honours are won ..
Similar Words:
"一举, 一鼓作气" English translation, "一举, 一下子" English translation, "一举成功" English translation, "一举成名" English translation, "一举成名的典型例证" English translation, "一举多得" English translation, "一举粉碎反革命集团" English translation, "一举歼灭来犯之敌" English translation, "一举两得" English translation, "一举两得,一箭双雕" English translation