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English translation for "一举"

[ yījǔ ] 
with one action; at one stroke; at one fell swoop; at the first try 短语和例子

Related Translations:
一举成功:  succeed in one stroke
在此一举:  hang upon this single action; depend upon this one movement [stroke]
又一举措:  11、this is another measure
成败在此一举:  success or failure hinges on this one action.; sink or swim [success or failure] depends on this action
一举十觞:  toss off bumper after bumper
一举多得:  achieve many things at one stroke; answer multiple purpose; kill two birds with one stone
权衡这一举措:  weigh the move
一举粉碎反革命集团:  smash the counterrevolutionary clique at one blow
一举歼灭来犯之敌:  wipe out the invaders at one fell swoop
整整九码一举成功:  the whole nine yards
Example Sentences:
1.This push will cheer me ever or dissent me now .
2.This time he'll sink or swim .
3.Three invading battleships were sunk at one stroke ..
4.He could level the beach defenses first with one force .
5.At one stride dickens had become the most popular living novelist .
6.The last excitement lay in the crushing of trick amendments .
7.The gesture had more eloquent than any words his father could have spoken .
8.The international relinquishing of sovereignty would have to spring from the people .
9.Euphoric, he even thought he might settle all his problems in one fell swoop .
10.At one stroke he swept from linguistics all the apparatus of introspectionist psychology .
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