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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

领头定价 price leadership
领头的马 a lead horse
领奖 receive a prize
领子 collar
领客人入座 usher guests to their seats
领导 lead
领导不力 not exercise effective leade...
领导中枢 leading centre
领导人 leader
领导体制 leadership structure
领导作用 leading role
领导地位 leading position
领导小组 leading group
领导干部 leading cadre
领导应和群众经常见面 It's necessary for leading c...
领导成份 leading sector
领导成员 leading members
领导我们从胜利走向胜利 lead us from victory to vict...
领导指示我们留在原地不动 The leadership instructed us...
领导新潮 lead the fashion
领导方式 style of leadership
领导方法 method of leadership
领导方针 guiding policy
领导无方 exercise unable leadership
领导有方 exercise good leadership
领导机关 leading bodies
领导权 leadership
领导核心 leading nucleus
领导现代化建设工作 exercise leadership in moder...
领导班子 a leading body
领导艺术 leadership skill
领导要深入群众 Leaders should go among the ...
领导集团 leading group
领导骨干 mainstay of the leadership
领工 headman
领巾 scarf
领带 necktie
领带别针 tiepin
领带夹 tie bar
领干薪 hold a sinecure
领悟 comprehend
领悟学习 insight learning
领情 feel grateful to sb.
领扣 collar button
领教 thanks
领有 possess
领有上校军衔 hold the rank of colonel
领款 draw money
领水 inland waters territorial wa...
领水员 pilot
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