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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

领事馆 consulate
领会 understand
领会不能 acatalepsia
领会意图 understand the intention
领会文件的精神 grasp the essence of a docum...
领会社论的精神 try to understand the thrust...
领会讲话的内容 follow a speech
领位员 usher
领先 be in the lead
领先一步 keep one step ahead
领先十英尺 have a lead of ten feet
领先指标 leading indicator
领先角 angle of lead
领兵 lead troops a military offic...
领养 adopt
领养一个孩子 adopt a child
领养人 adopter
领养子女 adopted children
领助学金的学生 a grant-aided student
领取 draw
领取出入证 receive one's pass
领取办公用品 get stationery for use in th...
领取包裹通知 notice of arrival
领取工资 draw one's pay
领取月薪 receive one's monthly salary
领取营业证 receive a business license
领取薪水 draw one's salary
领取驾驶执照 take out a driving licence
领受 accept
领口 collarband
领口太小了 The neckband is too small. t...
领唱 lead a chorus
领唱部 the part sung by the leading...
领回 get back
领圈 neckhole
领圈线 décolleté
领土 territory
领土不可侵犯性 territorial inviolability
领土主权 territorial sovereignty
领土完整 territorial integrity
领土扩张 territorial expansion
领土扩张欲 land hunger
领土权 sovereign right over territo...
领土管辖权 jurisdiction within territor...
领土要求 territorial claim
领地 manor territory
领域 territory
领域广大 The domain is vast. field
领域性 territoriality
领头 take the lead
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