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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

赏面子 accept sth. in order to do s...
赐予 grant
赐仁 Ci Ren
赐以酒食 give someone wine and food
赐复 kindly favour us with a repl...
赐教 condescend to teach
赐福 blessing
赐酒压惊 give sb. wine to help him re...
赑届 straining
赓新 Geng Xin
赔上功夫又贴本 spend time and money doing s...
赔不是 apologize
赔了夫人又折兵 throw the helve after the ha...
赔付损失 settlement of loss
赔付率 loss ration
赔偿 compensate for
赔偿人 compensator
赔偿代理人 claim settling agent
赔偿保证书 letter of indemnity
赔偿协定 reparations agreement
赔偿合同 indemnity contract
赔偿名誉 indemnity for defamation -- ...
赔偿契约 indemnity bond
赔偿损失 make amends to
赔偿损失的义务 obligation of compensation f...
赔偿条款 indemnity clause
赔偿某人损失 recoup sb. for his loss
赔偿范围 extent of compensation
赔偿责任 liability to pay compensatio...
赔偿责任承保人 indemnity liability insurer
赔偿费 damages
赔偿费年度 benefit year
赔偿选择 settlement options
赔垫 advance money in making paym...
赔帐 pay for the loss of cash or ...
赔本 sustain losses in business
赔本价钱 junk price
赔本生意 a losing business
赔款 pay an indemnity
赔款准备金 claims reserve
赔款准备金转出 loss reserve withdrawal
赔款媾和 pay an indemnity in order to...
赔款收款单 collecting note
赔款选择 settlement option
赔礼 offer an apology
赔笑 smile obsequiously or apolog...
赔罪 apologize
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