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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

赋性疏慵 insolent by nature
赋有 possess
赋有才能 possess talents
赋税 taxes
赋税亏损结转 tax-loss carryforward
赋税亏损退算 tax-loss carryback
赋税刺激 tax incentive
赋税委员会 Committee on Ways and Means
赋税归宿 tax incidence
赋税转嫁 shifting of tax
赋能 energize
赋能字 enable word
赋能网络 energized network
赋色 colouration
赋范 normed
赋范代数 normed algebra
赋范星代数 normed star algebra
赋范空间 normed space
赋范线性空间 normed linear space
赋诗狂 metromania
赋诗陈词 write poem descriptive of oc...
赋闲 be unemployed
赋额 tax rate
赌债 gambling debt
赌具 gambling paraphernalia
赌博 gamble
赌博机 fruit machine
赌友 gambling companions
赌咒 take an oath
赌咒发誓 take the name of God in vain
赌场 gambling house
赌场烟窟 gambling houses and opium pa...
赌客 gambler
赌局 gambling party
赌徒 gambler
赌本 money to gamble with
赌棍 hardened gambler
赌气 feel wronged and act rashly
赌气走开 go away in a fit of pique
赌注 counter for gambling
赌注下得很大 stake very high
赌注押错了 wager on a wrong horse
赌犯 arrested gambler
赌窝 gambling-den place
赌窟 gambling-den
赌钱 gamble
赌鬼 confirmed gambler
give bring hold
赍志而殁 He died without accomplishin...
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