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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

赍恨终身 die without realizing one's ...
赎买 redeem
赎买政策 policy of redemption
赎买者 redeemer
赎价 ransom price
赎允 Shu Yun
赎回抵押品 redeem a mortgage
赎回被绑架的人 ransom a kidnapped person
赎当 redeem sth. pawned
赎当物品 redeem powned goods
赎救 redeem
赎救被监禁的囚犯 redeem a prisoner from capti...
赎罪 atone for one's crime
赎罪日 Yom Kippur
赎职 dereliction of duty
赎身 redeem oneself
赎金 ransom money
grant a reward
赏云 Shang Yun
赏光 asking sb. to come to a part...
赏功罚罪 give rewards for good servic...
赏善罚恶 reward the virtuous and puni...
赏封 grant a reward
赏心乐事 a happy event which pleases ...
赏心悦目 be good to hear or see
赏景怡神 enjoy the landscape to one's...
赏月 enjoy the glorious full moon
赏月观花 appreciate the moon and flow...
赏格 the size of a reward
赏玩 admire the beauty of sth.
赏玩古董 delight in antiques
赏玩山景 enjoy mountain scenery
赏罚 rewards and punishments
赏罚不明 be neither rewarded nor pena...
赏罚严明 be strict and fair in meting...
赏罚分明 be fair in meting out reward...
赏脸 honour one by accepting invi...
赏花 admire the beauty of flowers
赏花赋诗 enjoy the flowers and write ...
赏识 recognize the worth of
赏识某人 think highly of sb.
赏赉 give a reward
赏赐 grant a reward
赏金 money reward
赏鉴 appreciate
赏鉴古玩 appreciate curios
赏鉴名画 appreciate the masterpieces ...
赏钱 money reward
赏阅 read and appreciate
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