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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

百倍警惕 exercise the highest vigilan...
百儿八十 about a hundred
百克 hectogram
百兽 all kinds of animals
百兽之王 the monarch of all beasts
百分 per cent
百分之一 centesimal
百分之五的利息 interest at five per cent
百分之六 6 per cent
百分之百 a hundred per cent
百分位 percentile
百分位点 tercile
百分位距 centile interval
百分制 hundred-mark system
百分刻度 centigrade system
百分单位 centival
百分号 per cent
百分度 centigrade
百分度量制 centesimal measure
百分数 percentage
百分数成分 percentage composite
百分标 centigrade scale
百分标准误差 percentage standard deviatio...
百分比 percentage
百分比变化 percentage variation
百分比皮重 percentage tare
百分比误差 percentage error
百分比读数 percentage registration
百分法 percentage system
百分温度计 centigrade thermometer
百分点 percentage point
百分等级 percentile rank
百分表 dialgage
百动不如一静 Still is effective.
百升 hectolitre
百发百中 fire at the target a hundred...
百口莫辩 beyond dispute
百叶 a cake of many thin layers,m...
百叶窗 window-shades
百叶窗固定器 blindfast
百叶窗干扰 venetian-blind interference
百叶窗效应 venetian-blind effect
百叶窗材料 shuttering
百叶窗板 boxing shutter
百叶窗炉 louver type oven
百叶箱 thermometer screen
百叶箱温度表 shelter-thermometer
百合 lily
百合属 Lilium
百合棒状杆菌 corynebacterium lilium
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