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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

白边 white edge
白边色织物 saved list cloths
白道 moon's path
白酒 spirit
白里透红 white touched with red
白金 platinum
白金汉宫 Buckingham Palace
白金的价值高于黄金 Platinum exceeds gold in val...
白金箔 platinum foil
白铁 galvanized iron
白铁工 tinsmith
白铁工作间 tinsmithy
白铁皮 galvanized iron sheet
白铁矿 marcasite
白铅 white lead
白铅矿 cerussite
白铅粉 white lead
白银 silver
白锍 white matte
白附子 rhizoma typhonii
白雁 white goose
白雪漫漫 a boundless expanse of snow
白雪皑皑 an expanse of white snow
白雪皑皑的主峰高耸在群峦之上 The snowy main peak towers a...
白雪覆盖的山峰 snow-capped mountain peak
白露 White Dew
白面 wheat flour
白面书生 an inexperienced youth
白面儿 heroin
白领 white collar
白领工人 white-collar worker
白领阶层 white-collared workers
白食 food and drinks one gets wit...
白饭 plain cooked rice
白首 hoary head
白首之盟 nuptial vow to stick togethe...
白首穷经 continue to study even in ol...
白首老人 an old man with white hair
白马 a surname
白马洁 Baima Jie
白马金辔 a white steed with a golden ...
白马非马 A white horse is not a horse...
白驹过隙 Time passes quickly like a w...
白骨 bones of the dead
白骨如山 White bones are piled up lik...
白骨精 the White Bone Demon
白骨红颜 Beauty is but skin deep.
白鱼 blanquillo
白鲜 dictamnus dasycarpus
白鲜交脂 dictamnolide
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