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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

双边钢领 reversible ring
双达林顿阵列 dual Darlington array
双运行方式 dual mode
双进双出 go with each other all the t...
双迹示波器 double-trace scope
双透镜组 doublet
双通 bi-pass
双通开关 bilateral switching
双通道 binary channels
双通道伴音方式 dual channel sound
双通道感应移相器 dual-speed induciton shifter
双通道放大器 two-path amplifier
双速控制器 two-speed controller
双速电钻 electric two-speed drill
双部句 binary sentence
双重 double
双重交配 double-mate
双重人格 dual personality
双重代表权 dual representation
双重价格制度 double price system
双重价格基础 double price basis
双重任务 double task
双重保险 double insurance
双重保险单 double insurance policies
双重关税 dual tariffs
双重否定 double denial
双重国籍 dual nationality
双重外汇市场 dual exchange market
双重市场 twin market
双重征税 double taxation
双重性 dual nature
双重性原理 principle of duality
双重感染 double infection
双重执行判决命令 double exequatur
双重控制 dual control
双重曝光 double exposure
双重构词法 parasynthesis
双重标准 double standard
双重标志 double-marking
双重梁 brace summer
双重汇率 dual exchange rate
双重汇率市场 two-tier exchange market
双重称量 double weighing
双重税则 double tariff
双重税收 dual taxation
双重税率制 double tariff system
双重经济 dual economy
双重经济结构 dual structure of economy
双重结构 dual structure
双重计数法 double numeration
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