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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

列车编组 train formation
列车脱轨 derail
列车行程 train journey
列车调度员 train dispatcher
列车运行 train operation
列车运行力学 mechanics of train movement
列车运行报单 train journal
列车运行记录仪 trainagraph
列车退行 backing-out
列车长 head of a train crew
列车飞速驶过车站 The train dashed through the...
列队欢迎 line up to welcome sb.
列队相迎 line up to welcome sb.
a weapon Liu,a state in the ...
刘勰 Liu Xie
刘家夼 Liujiakuang
刘寄奴 Artemisia anomala
刘海儿 bang
刘海尾巴 bangtail
刘炟 Liu Da
刘胡兰在敌人面前宁死不屈 Liu Hulan would rather die t...
则之 follow it
则先烈之言行 follow the example of the ma...
则声 make a sound
则甚 what for
则长 Ze Chang
刚一开会小高就抢先发言 Xiao Gao began to speak befo...
刚体 rigid body
刚体力学 geostatics
刚体动力学 rigid-body dynamics
刚体运动 rigid motion
刚体运动学 rigid body kinematics
刚健 vigorous
刚健质朴 vigorous and simple
刚冰 Gang Bing
刚出笼的包子 hot stuffed buns just out of...
刚出笼的肉包子 meat-filled buns fresh from ...
刚出锅的馒头真热火 The steamed buns fresh from ...
刚刚 just
刚刚离开这儿 has just left here
刚到 have just arrived
刚劲 bold
刚劲有力 be powerful and vigorous
刚合适 fit perfectly barely
刚好 just
刚巧 happen to
刚度 rigidity
刚强 firm
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