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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

先进事迹 meritorious deeds
先进人物 advanced person
先进分子 advanced element
先进单位 advanced unit
先进单位不断涌现 Advanced units are constantl...
先进工作者 advanced worker
先进带动后进 The more advanced bring alon...
先进带后进 The more advanced bring alon...
先进经验 advanced experience
先进设备 sophisticated equipment
先进集体 advanced group
先遣 be sent in advance
先遣人员 advance men
先遣支队 advance detachment
先遣部队 advance troops
先遣队 advance party
先锋 vanguard
先锋战士 vanguard fighter
先锋队 vanguard
先难后易 are difficult at first and q...
先难后获 toil first and then enjoy th...
先驱 pioneer
先验 prior
先验性 apriority
先验知识 a priori knowledge
先验论 apriorism
光中子 photoneutron
光临 presence
光二极管 optical diode
光亮 bright
光亮如镜 as bright as a sixpence
光亮度 radiance
光介子 photomeson
光传播 optical propagation
光传输系统 optical transmission system
光信号 optical signal
光信息处理 optical information processi...
光偏振 light polarization
光催化 photocatalysis
光催化剂 photochemical catalyst
光像 light image
光像变换器 light image converter
光元素 photoelement
光冲击 photoimpact
光刃刀片 plain knife
光刃刀片割刀 smooth-section sickle
光刨 finish plane
光制 finishing
光制导 light guide
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