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English translation for "wordsworth"

n. wordsworth, family name; william wordsworth (1770-1850) english poet
Example Sentences:
1.Penrith Methodist Church, Wordsworth Street.
L’Église méthodiste de Penrith, dans Wordsworth Street.
2.It is widely regarded as Wordsworth's greatest work.
Ce texte est considéré comme l'œuvre principale de Wordsworth.
3.The Life of William Wordsworth.
Le sonnet de William Wordsworth Ste.
4.The poem serves to contrast Coleridge and Wordsworth.
Les Ballades lyriques, recueil de poésie de Coleridge et Wordsworth.
5.Coleridge is responding and interacting with many of Wordsworth's poems.
Coleridge répond et interagit avec des poèmes de William Wordsworth.
6.After Wordsworth, it was Byron's poetry which was reviewed most often.
Après Wordsworth, le poète Lord Byron est le plus évoqué.
7.Wordsworth, Dorothy and Coleridge travelled to Germany in the autumn of 1798.
Wordsworth, Dorothy et Coleridge se rendent ensuite en Allemagne.
8.Republished 1994 by Wordsworth Editions.
Une nouvelle publication a été effectuée par les éditions Wordsworth en 2005.
9.Her critical works include studies of William Wordsworth and Thomas Hardy.
Son travail critique comprend des études sur William Wordsworth et Thomas Hardy.
10.His religion and the poetry of William Wordsworth influenced his later writing style.
Sa religion et la poésie de William Wordsworth influenceront son style littéraire.
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