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English translation for "waterloo"

n. waterloo, town in central belgium which was the scene of the final defeat of napoleon in 1815 by prussian and british forces; city in southeast ontario (canada); city in northeast iowa (usa); disastrous or decisive defeat
Example Sentences:
1."Waterloo Award - City of Waterloo".
Une conscience européenne. » ↑ « Waterloo.
2.Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
Waterloo, Ontario : Wilfrid Laurier University Press.
3.She is a professor at the University of Waterloo.
Il est professeur à l'université de Waterloo.
4."Captain Siborne's Model of Waterloo".
Guide to Captain Siborne's New Waterloo Model.
5.He left Waterloo in 1995.
Il s'installe en 1965 à Waterloo.
6.The last Waterloo Cup took place in 2005.
La dernière Waterloo Cup a eu lieu en 2005.
7.1848 – Waterloo railway station in London opens.
1848 : ouverture de la gare de Londres Waterloo.
8.Biggle was born in 1923 in Waterloo, Iowa.
Biggle est né en 1923 à Waterloo, dans l'Iowa.
9.At Waterloo, he was wounded.
Il combat à Waterloo et y est blessé.
10.The nearest Underground station is Waterloo.
La station de métro la plus proche est Waterloo.
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