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English translation for "tyran"

n. tyrant, despot, intimidator
Example Sentences:
1.From 1985 he has ruled as a tyrant.
il règne comme un tyran depuis 1985.
2.He is undoubtedly a tyrant.
saddam hussein est un tyran.
3.His book Le due teste del tiranno.
Son travail, Les deux têtes du tyran.
4.The tyrant is later defeated by Waller.
Le tyran sera vaincu par Waller.
5.They will revenge the tyrant's crimes.
Ils vont se venger du tyran sanguinaire.
6.Warren's mother was a typist.
Le père de Kearney est un tyran.
7.Theron becomes tyrant of Acragas in Sicily.
Abantidas devient tyran de Sicyone.
8.Arianny Celeste protested, calling Rousey a "big bully".
Arianny Celeste a protesté, appelant Rousey un "grand tyran",.
9.Athens has become a tyrant.
Alexandre se transforme en tyran.
10.Same tyrant: the French state.
Même tyran : l'État français.
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