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English translation for "sacrament"

sacrament (album)
Example Sentences:
1.In December 2007, the band rereleased the album as Sacrament: Deluxe Producer Edition.
En décembre 2007, le groupe réédite l'album Sacrament: Deluxe Producer Edition.
2.In August 2006 Lamb of God released its fifth studio album, Sacrament.
En août 2006, Lamb of God fait paraître son cinquième album studio, Sacrament.
3.There is another reference, but without specifying the book, to the sacrament of baptism.
Il y a une autre référence, mais sans préciser le livre, au sacrament du baptême.
4.The DVD is a double-disc and has nearly five hours of footage, containing the feature documentary Walk with Me in Hell and multiple live performance extras from the Sacrament World Tour.
Le DVD est un double-disque avec cinq heures de tournage, le documentaire Walk with Me in Hell et des bonus du Sacrament World Tour.
5.In August 2008, it was announced, by studio producer Cole Higley, that the band had commenced work on the follow-up to Sacrament, and that its release was scheduled for February 2009.
En août 2008, le producteur Cole Higley annonce le début des enregistrement pour la suite de Sacrament, et la sortie de l'album prévue pour février 2009.
6.In the same year, Cranmer produced the Defence of the True and Catholic Doctrine of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, a semi-official explanation of the eucharistic theology within the Prayer Book.
La même année, Cranmer rédigea le Defence of the True and Catholic Doctrine of the Sacrament of the Body and Blood of Christ, une explication semi-officielle de la théologie de l'eucharistie au sein du Livre de la prière commune.
7.To me the least of al the sainctes is given this grace, among the Gentils to evangelize the unsearcheable riches of Christ, and to illuminate al men what is the dispensation of the sacrament hidden from worldes in God, who created all things: that the manifold wisdom of God, may be notified to the Princes and Potestats in the celestials by the Church, according to the prefinition of worldes, which he made in Christ JESUS our Lord.
To me the least of al the sainctes is given this grace, among the Gentils to evangelize the unsearcheable riches of Christ, and to illuminate al men what is the dispensation of the sacrament hidden from worldes in God, who created al things: that the manifold wisedom of God, may be notified to the Princes and Potestats in the celestials by the Church, according to the prefinition of worldes, which he made in Christ JESUS our Lord.
8.Yet the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries saw the proliferation of the Host-desecration story in England: in collections of miracle stories, many of them dedicated to the miracles of the Virgin Mary; in the art of illuminated manuscripts used for Christian prayer and meditation; and on stage, as in popular Croxton Play of the Sacrament, which itself evoked memories of an alleged ritual murder committed by Jews in East Anglia in 1191."
Néanmoins au XIVe et XVe siècles, apparaissent une prolifération d'histoires de profanation d'hosties en Angleterre : dans les recueils d'histoires miraculeuses, dont la plupart étaient dédiés à la Vierge Marie; dans les manuscrits illuminés utilisés par les Chrétiens pour la prière et la méditation; dans les pièces de théâtre populaires, comme Play of the Sacrament de Croxton, qui évoque l'histoire d'un meurtre rituel supposé commis par les Juifs en Est-Anglie en 1191. » Au cours des siècles suivants, des accusations similaires ont circulé au travers de l'Europe, suivies généralement de tortures et de massacres sur des régions entières.
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