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English translation for "rabble"
Example Sentences:
1.Destiny Astray focuses on war photo-journalist Jess Rabble and his ZGMF-X12 Astray Out Frame.
L’histoire de Destiny Astray est centrée sur un reporter de guerre, Jess Rabble, et son mobile suit ZGMF-X12 Astray Out Frame.
2.John Adams called the crowd involved with the Boston Massacre "a motley rabble of saucy boys, negros and molattoes, Irish teagues and outlandish jack tarrs."
John Adams a appelé la foule impliquée dans le massacre de Boston "a motley rabble of saucy boys, negros and molattoes, Irish teagues and outlandish jack tarrs.".
3.The background music featured in the DS stages are remade songs and/or medleys from Pac-Mania, Pac & Pal, Thunder Ceptor, Dragon Spirit, and Libble Rabble.
La musique de fond sélectionnée dans les stades DS sont des chansons refaites et / ou des mélanges de Pac-Mania, Pac & Pal, Thunder Ceptor, Dragon Spirit, et Libble Rabble.
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