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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

maqui n. maqui
maquignon n. dealer of horses
maquillage n. making up; make up, cosme...
maquiller v. make up, fake
maquilleur n. make-up man, make up arti...
maquis n. maquis, french undergroun...
maquisard n. maquisard, member of the ...
marabout n. marabou, adjutant (zoolog...
maraca n. maraca, latin american rh...
maracaibo n. maracaibo, port city in v...
maradona n. maradona, family name; di...
maraging adj. maraging
marais n. bog, marsh, swamp; marshl...
marais salant n. salt marsh
marannes n. marranos in spain, jews i...
marans n. marans, city in france
marante n. arrowroot, type of tropic...
marasme n. slump, stagnation, slackn...
marasque n. marasca, small bitter fru...
marasquin n. maraschino, italian cherr...
marathi n. mahratti, official langua...
marathon n. marathon, long-distance r...
marathonien adj. marathonic, continuous,...
marauder v. maraud
maraudeur n. marauder, plunderer
marbourg n. marburg, town in germany;...
marbre n. marble, crystalized limes...
marbrer v. marble, mottle, streak
marbrure n. blotch, stain
marc n. marc, male first name; ma...
marc antoine n. mark antony (83-30 b.c., ...
marc chagall n. marc chagall (1887-1985),...
marcassin n. wild boar, feral swine
marcassite n. marcasite, type of minera...
marceau n. marceau, family name (fre...
marcel n. marcel, male first name (...
marcel duchamp n. marcel duchamp (1887-1968...
marcel grateau n. marcel grateau (1852-1936...
marcel marceau n. marcel marceau (born 1923...
marcel proust n. marcel proust (1871-1922)...
marcelle n. marcelle, female first na...
marcello n. marcello, male first name...
marcello malpighi n. marcello malpighi (1628-1...
marcello mastroianni n. marcello mastroianni (192...
marchand adj. mercantile, commercialn...
marchand ambulant n. street vendor, street ped...
marchand de n. monger
marchand de biens n. estate agent
marchand de chevaux n. horse dealer
marchand de couleurs n. ironmonger
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