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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

myron n. myron, male first name; g...
myrrhe n. myrrh, fragrant gum resin...
myrte n. myrtle, evergreen shrub w...
myrtiforme adj. myrtiform
myrtille n. huckleberry, bilberry, bl...
mysie n. mysia (archaic), former c...
mysophilie n. mysophilia, abnormal attr...
mysophobie n. mysophobia, abnormal fear...
mysophobique adj. mysophobic, of or perta...
mysore n. mysore, city located in s...
mysticisme n. mysticism, mystical spiri...
mystificateur n. mystifier, one who bewild...
mystification n. mystification, hoax, spoo...
mystifier v. perplex, mystify; puzzle,...
mystique adj. mystical, pertaining to...
mystiquement adv. mystically, supernatura...
mythe n. myth, traditional story a...
mythe urbain n. urban legend
mythifier v. mythicize, create a myth;...
mythique adj. mythical, of or pertain...
mytho mytho
mythologie n. mythology, collection of ...
mythologique adj. mythological, of or bel...
mythologue n. mythologist, one who rese...
mythomane n. mythomaniac, suffering fr...
mythomanie n. mythomania, unhealthy ten...
mytose n. mitosis, process of cell ...
myxine n. hagfish, jawless marine f...
myxomate n. myxoma, soft tumor of muc...
myxomatose n. myxomatosis, presence of ...
myxome n. myxoma, soft tumor of muc...
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