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"Translation-Dictionary.net" is the most comprehensive free online dictionary available on the web. It well exceeds regular dictioanries in terms of vocabulary coverage and it translates hundreds of thousands of words, phrases, and sentences between multiple languages. It includes translations for a wide varierty of domains such as proper names, technical terminologies, movie titles, etc. It also offers pronunciation, related terms, synonyms, spelling correction, and example sentences.

hertfordshire n. hertfordshire, inland cou...
hertz n. hertz, family name; heinr...
hertzien adj. herzian, hertzian, of o...
herzl n. herzl, family name; theod...
hess n. hess, family name; victor...
hesse n. hesse, family name; feder...
hester n. hester, female first name...
hestia n. hestia, goddess of the he...
heure n. hour, time
heure astronomique n. sideral time
heure de classe n. class time
heure de dormir n. bedtime
heure de greenwich n. greenwich mean time
heure de pointe n. rush hour
heure de travail n. office hour, man-hour
heure du coucher n. bedtime
heure homme n. man-hour
heure impossible n. unearthly hour
heures n. hours, certain time of da...
heures creuses n. off-peak hours
heures de pointe n. rush hours, peak hours, r...
heures de visite n. visiting hours
heures du repas n. meal time
heureusement adv. fortunately, luckily, h...
heureux adj. happy, glad, joyful, gl...
heuristique adj. heuristic, serving to d...
heurt n. knock, bump, collision, c...
heurter v. strike, hit, knock, jostl...
heurtoir n. knocker, rapper, stopper
heuse n. gaiter, covering worn ove...
hewlett packard n. hewlett packard, hp, larg...
hexa pref. hexa
hexagonal adj. hexagonal
hexagone n. hexagon
hexanol n. hexanoyl
hexateuque n. hexateuch, first 6 books ...
hexylique adj. hexylic, pertaining to ...
hezbollah n. hezbollah, extremist shii...
hf hf, high frequency
hg hg, mercury, quicksilver, he...
hi han n. heehaw
hi hi interj. tee hee, ha-ha
hi-fi hi-fi, high fidelity
hiatus n. hiatus, interruption, pau...
hibakusha n. hibakusha, survivor of th...
hibernal adj. hibernal, winter sleep,...
hibernation n. hibernation, winter sleep
hiberner v. hibernate, spend the wint...
hibiscus n. hibiscus, any of a number...
hibou n. owl, bird that has a larg...
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