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English translation for "bahai"

n. bahai, international religion which was founded by husayn ali "bahaullah" in iran in 1863; bahai sect, sect of islam that promotes human equality and world peace
Example Sentences:
1.The famous teachers of that era included Mulla Sadra and Shaykh Bahai.
Les professeurs célèbres de cette époque comprenaient Molla Sadra Shirazi et Cheykh Bahai.
2.Mr habsburg is right when he says that we should also be concerned about the fate of the bahai.
m. von habsburg a raison d'affirmer que le sort des bahai ne peut nous laisser indifférent.
3.Most recently , on monday , sudanese military forces bombarded cariari and bahai , two villages in north darfur close to the chad-sudan border.
pas plus tard que ce lundi , les forces militaires soudanaises ont bombardé cariari et bahai , deux villages situés dans le nord du darfour , à proximité de la frontière entre le tchad et le soudan.
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