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French translation for "macclesfield"

Example Sentences:
1."The Earl of Macclesfield".
Comte de Macclesfield (en.
2.She took up athletics aged 9, joining Macclesfield Harriers AC.
Elle débute l'athlétisme à l'âge de 9 ans, en rejoignant le club de Macclesfield Harriers AC.
3.When the patents lapsed in 1732, other mills were built in Stockport and Macclesfield.
À l'échéance des brevets, en 1732, d'autres moulins furent construits à Stockport et Macclesfield.
4.Wilmslow was one of the eight ancient parishes of the Macclesfield Hundred of Cheshire.
Wilmslow était l'une des huit anciennes paroisses de Macclesfield Hundred, dans le comté de Cheshire.
5.Finally, in 1805, he moved to Macclesfield, where he taught at Macclesfield Grammar School.
Finalement, en 1805, il déménagea pour Macclesfield, où il enseigna à la Macclesfield Grammar School.
6.Finally, in 1805, he moved to Macclesfield, where he taught at Macclesfield Grammar School.
Finalement, en 1805, il déménagea pour Macclesfield, où il enseigna à la Macclesfield Grammar School.
7.Alexander had been due to take charge of his 100th game for Macclesfield Town the following weekend.
Il devait diriger son 100e match avec Macclesfield Town le week-end suivant.
8.From his 7th years he was raised in Macclesfield in Cheshire, near Manchester.
À partir de l’âge de 6 ans, il grandit à Macclesfield dans le Cheshire, près de Manchester.
9.These include all of the Spratly Islands, the Paracel Islands, Macclesfield Bank and Scarborough Shoal.
Celles-ci incluent toutes les îles Spratleys, les Îles Paracels, le Banc Macclesfield et le récif de Scarborough.
10.Macclesfield is in the east of Cheshire, on the River Bollin, a tributary of the River Mersey.
Macclesfield est située à l'est du Cheshire, sur la rivière Bollin, affluent de la rivière Mersey.
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