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French translation for "falan"

Example Sentences:
1.Danielle Falan, from São Paulo, Brazil, is one of the oldest surviving sufferers of MOMO syndrome.
Danielle Falan, de São Paulo au Brésil, est l'une des plus anciens malades.
2.It was allegedly built in honor of the foreign monks Jiashemoteng (迦葉摩騰) (Kāśyapa Mātanga) and Zhu Falan (竺法蘭) (Dharmaratna the Indian).
Suivant la tradition, il a été construit en l’honneur de deux moines étrangers, Jiashemoteng (迦叶摩腾) (Kāśyapa Mātanga) et Zhu Falan (竺法兰) (Dharmaratna l’Indien).
3.Emperor Ming had the first Buddhist temple of China—the White Horse Temple—built at Luoyang in honor of two foreign monks: Jiashemoteng (迦葉摩騰) (Kāśyapa Mātanga) and Zhu Falan (竺法蘭) (Dharmaratna the Indian).
C'est l’empereur Han Mingdi qui fonde le premier temple bouddhiste chinois, le Temple du Cheval blanc, qui est construit à Luoyang en l’honneur de deux moines étrangers : Jiashemoteng (迦叶摩腾) (Kāśyapa Mātanga) et Zhu Falan (竺法兰) (l’Indien Dharmaratna) .
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