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Chinese translation for "综合说明"

overall descriptions

Related Translations:
显示说明:  display help
加上说明:  caption
说明理由:  give reasons
相片说明:  imagedescription
装运说明:  shipping instructions
实例说明:  demonstration
说明档案:  helfile
品种说明:  key to variety
舍弃说明:  ignore specification
修饰说明:  who take no interest in art
Example Sentences:
1.Finally , it is synthetically discussed problems noted in the process of tendering for international engineering
2.This five buddhas is the embodiment of buddha vairocana according to the theory of the trantrism sect and is the integration of the essence of buddha
3.Prove synthetically that the city expands lead the interaction between people and environmental enlargement and promotion . then put forward the ecology lead targets of " human living impact on ecological reduce to smallest extent "
4.Sound bodhisattva ' s image of generation of view in literature , to for view generation sound important topic that culture study sa , this text regards buddha mere classical theater of goddess of mercy of satellite tv of human world in 2005 as the research object , use the tv play and chat the external factor in the reason theory and sow the persons who make and inherent factor text analysis , state the narration characteristic of this theater and sound bodhisattva ' s image of generation of view synthetically , and the meaning had
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