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Chinese translation for "zabad"


Related Translations:
kafr zabad:  宰拜德村
abu zabad:  阿布萨巴阿布宰拜德
Example Sentences:
1.[ bbe ] of the sons of nebo , jeiel , mattithiah , zabad , zebina , iddo , and joel , benaiah
2.Those who conspired against him were zabad , son of shimeath an ammonite woman , and jehozabad , son of shimrith a moabite woman
3.And these are they that conspired against him ; zabad the son of shimeath an ammonitess , and jehozabad the son of shimrith a moabitess
4.Those who made designs against him were zabad , the son of shimeath , an ammonite woman , and jehozabad , the son of shimrith , a moabite woman
5.Now these are those who conspired against him : zabad the son of shimeath the ammonitess , and jehozabad the son of shimrith the moabitess
代下24 : 26背叛他的是亚扪妇人示米押的儿子撒拔、和摩押妇人示米利的儿子约萨拔。
6.Zabad his son and shuthelah his son . ezer and elead were killed by the native - born men of gath , when they went down to seize their livestock
7.And zabad his son , and shuthelah his son , and ezer , and elead , whom the men of gath that were born in that land slew , because they came down to take away their cattle
代上7 : 21他哈的儿子是撒拔、撒拔的儿子是书提拉以法莲又生以谢、以列这二人因为下去夺取迦特人的牲畜、被本地的迦特人杀了。
8.And zabad his son , and shuthelah his son , and ezer and elead , whom the men of gath , who had been living in the land from their birth , put to death , because they came down to take away their cattle
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