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Chinese translation for "ultimo"

[ 'ʌltiməu ] 
〔拉丁语〕 上月的〔常略作 ult., ulto.〕。 the 10th ult. 上月十日。
Example Sentences:
1.Flight test is one of the four measures of the aeronautics research , used in the whole proceeding of research , design , appraisement , production and usage . and it is the most direct , the most accurate , the ultimo test measures
2.It is known that over the last few years the supreme master ching hai international association has participated in these public clean up events in areas like pyrmont , ultimo and part of the royal national park , and has been greatly commended by the local government
在过去几年清海无上师世界会曾在如pyrmont , ultimo及部分的皇家国家公园等地参加公共清洁活动,并受到当地政府极力赞扬。
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