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Chinese translation for "ubiquitously"

Example Sentences:
1.Both of these popular ambiguous images are ubiquitously seen in psychology textbooks
2.The users of these equipments need to access the information on the networks ubiquitously
3.Web platform is ubiquitously popular because it is open standard and is independent of application platform
4.The service - based approach defines pervasive computing as a ubiquitously available service environment
5.All three enzymes were considered to be expressed ubiquitously and constitutively in most cells and tissues
6.The complexes described to date are expressed ubiquitously , suggesting that they have general transcriptional functions
7.The transcript of ~ 2 . 7kb is hseii , it is expressed ubiquitously , but highly expressed in testis , . colon and prostate
7kb的条带是hsell ,它广泛地表达于多组织中,其中在睾丸、大肠和前列腺是高表达。
8.Third , our approach allows for the incremental development of pervasive computing within a ubiquitously available service environment
9.On the other hand , the rbp - j protein is ubiquitously expressed , and commonly activated by all of four notch receptors
H受体和不同的配体分别表达子哺乳动物不同的细胞,而rbp却是普遍表达的,所以rbp j是n 。
10.While not unique to the java language , code decompilation has never been deployed so publicly or ubiquitously as it is among java developers
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