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Chinese translation for "nadh"


Related Translations:
nadh kinase:  nadh激酶
nadh激酶:  nadh kinase
nadh peroxidase:  nadh过氧化酶
nadh diaphorase:  还原型辅酶Ⅰ黄递酶
nadh dehydrogenase:  nadh脱氢酶,泛醌,辅酶qnadh脱氢酶苯醌辅酶q
nadh过氧化酶:  nadh peroxidase
nadh脱氢酶:  nadh dehydrogenase
nadh脱氢酶苯醌:  nadh dehydrogenase
nadh细胞色素c还原酶:  nadh-cytochrome c-reductase
hnsha due to nadh diaphorase deficiency:  hnsha由于nadh黄递酶缺乏
Example Sentences:
1.A new nanocomposite material for construction of glucose biosensor was proposed
2.Method for determination of citric acid citrate content of fruit and vegetable juices : nadh spectrometric method
果汁和蔬菜汁柠檬酸含量的测定方法: nadh光谱法
3.Fruit and vegetable juices . enzymatic determination of citric acid citrate content . nadh spectrometric method
水果和蔬菜汁.柠檬酸含量的酶催化的测定. nadh光谱法
4.Fruit and vegetable juices . enzymatic determination of l - matic acid l - malate content . nadh spectrometric method
水果和蔬菜汁. l -苹果酸含量的酶催化的测定. nadh光谱法
5.Method for enzymatic determination of l - malic acid l - malate content of fruit and vegetable juices - nadh spectrometric method
果汁和蔬菜汁中l -苹果酸的酶催化测定法. nadh光谱法
6.Fruit and vegetable juices - enzymatic determination of citric acid citrate content ; nadh spectrometric method ; german version en 1137 : 1994
水果和蔬菜汁.柠檬酸含量的酶性测定. nadh的光谱测定
7.Fruit and vegetable juices - enzymatic determination of l - malic acid l - malate content - nadh spectrometric method ; german version en 1138 : 1994
水果和蔬菜汁. l苹果酸含量的酶性测定. nadn光谱测定
8.The acetaldehyde is further reduced by nadh to form ethanol , releasing only about a tenth of the energy that would be released by aerobic respiration
9.During this electron transfer , a further two pairs of h + ions are pumped into the intermembrane space , making a total of six per molecule of nadh
10.P450nor is a nitric oxide ( no ) reductase ( nor ) found in eukaryotic microorganisms , which reduces no to nitrous oxide ( n2 o ) by directly accepting electrons from nadh or nadph
细胞色素p450nor起着一氧化氮还原酶的作用,能以nad ( p ) h为直接电子供体将no还原成n _ 2o 。
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