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Chinese translation for "maastricht"

马斯特里赫特〔荷兰一城市〕。 Maastricht Treaty 马(斯特里赫特条)约〔1992年欧盟于此地签订的旨在实现欧洲一体化的条约〕。
Example Sentences:
1.Team - the european anti - maastricht movement
2.Report on the highlights of 2003 meeting of iso tc61 in maastricht
3.The amsterdam treaty in 1997 further strengthened the conditions of the maastricht agreement
4.On february 7 , 1992 , the maastricht treaty was passed marking the formal founding of the european union
5.In order to join the euro a country must be a member of the european union and be able to pa economic tests set out by the maastricht treaty
6.In order to join the euro a country must be a member of the european union and be able to pass economic tests set out by the maastricht treaty
7.Indeed , if you look at these figures , china also meets all the maastricht criteria which have been laid down for introduction of european monetary union
8.In fact , the requirements in maastricht treaty are values concluded from experiences . moreover , to some extent , they are born with the shadow of political compromise
9.Indeed , if you look at these figures , china also meets all the maastricht criteria which have been laid down for the introduction of european monetary union
10.These findings constitute the current european guidelines ( the maastricht consensus 2000 ) for ulcer prevention in patients with coronary heart disease , stroke and arthritis
是次研究结果获纳入现时的欧洲预防冠心病、中风及关节炎病患者患上溃疡的护理指引( themaastrichtconsensus2000 ) 。
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