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Chinese translation for "lopinavir"

Example Sentences:
1.As first - line , xolani was taking zidovudine , lamivudine and nevirapine . because azt and 3tc come in a fixed - dose combination , this means he was taking two pills twice daily . xolani s second - line treatment will consist of didanosine , ritonavir - boosted lopinavir lpv r , and tenofovir
素拉利原本服用的第一线药物包含多夫定( azt ) 、拉米夫定( 3tc )及奈韦拉平( nvp ) ,其中多夫定及拉米夫定是固定剂量组合,也是说,他原本每天只需服药两次,每次两颗药丸。
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