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Chinese translation for "iceman"

Example Sentences:
1.I don ' t know what got into me , iceman
我不知道我怎么了, iceman
2.All right ? that ' s it . hey , iceman . i have no problem with that
好了吧?就是这样嘿, iceman ,我没问题
3.He was named oetzi the iceman and became a scientific sensation
4.Researchers now believe the prehistoric iceman was murdered
5.Eulogy of daydreams - interpretation of the apollo spirit and the dionysos spirit in the iceman cometh
6.A thousand - year - old mummy , nicknamed otzi the iceman was wearing a chinese jacket , latest research has found
7.Then there was journalist rainer hoelz , who filmed the recovery of the iceman , and who died of a brain tumour
8.The 2008 olympic games will be held in china soon , all of our chinese friend welcome iceman to beijing to enjoy the match
3 2008年奥运会将在中国召开,中国的朋友欢迎冰人( iceman )来北京观看比赛!
9.Sequel to the 2002 film . this time , heavyweight champ george " iceman " chambers is sent to a russian jail on trumped - up drug charges
影片为2002年的续集,这次,重量级拳王被人陷害关到俄罗斯的一个监狱? ? ? ? ?
10.There are millions of tifosi all over the world . monza is crowded with ferrari fans . what does the iceman feel sitting in his car
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