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Chinese translation for "blurriness"


Related Translations:
red blurriness:  红色通道模糊
blue blurriness:  蓝色通道模糊
alpha blurriness:  alpha通道模糊
green blurriness:  绿色通道模糊
Example Sentences:
1.I have eyes to see clearly , but i prefer the blurriness
2.The criterions of deciding crime number are two systems : one is the stipulation of the criminal law , which represents as legal crime structure , the other is the system of exception judgment that is under the guidance of legal crime structure and is to be employed only when there is blurriness in the law subscription
罪数的判断系统有两个,一个是刑法的规定,通过法定的犯罪构成而体现;另一个可以称为在法定犯罪构成观念指导下的例外判断系统。该系统启动的前提是“法律规定不明确时” 。
Similar Words:
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