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English translation for "鲜艳的绿色"

bright green

Related Translations:
鲜艳:  bright-coloured; gaily-coloured; brilliance; brilliancy 短语和例子颜色鲜艳 in gay colours; 鲜艳的服装 bright costume; 鲜艳的花朵 brilliant flower; 过分鲜艳的颜色 noisy colours; 用鲜艳的颜色来画某物[景] paint sth. in bright co
鲜艳色:  brilliant shade
鲜艳度:  brightness
色泽鲜艳:  bright in colour
颜色鲜艳:  in gay colours
鲜艳可爱:  beautiful and lovable -- as a flower
鲜艳紫色:  bright velvet
色彩鲜艳:  bright colorbright in colourvivid color
鲜艳的:  beautifulbrighterbrightestbrilliantvivid
鲜艳的装扮:  brilliant disguise
Example Sentences:
1.The room was decorated in bright green
2.The bright green and white silken finish each other scenes , it was even more touching mingyan , immaculate
3.Long thatched sheds stretched round the enclosure , their slopes encrusted with vivid green moss , and their eaves supported by wooden posts rubbed to a glossy smoothness by the flanks of infinite cows and calves of bygone years , now passed to an oblivion almost inconceivable in its profundity
Similar Words:
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