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English translation for "高贵的人"


Related Translations:
高贵:  1.(达到高度道德水平的) noble; honourable; high 短语和例子高贵品质 noble quality2.(极有价值; 非常难得 valuable; rare 短语和例子高贵的香料 valuable perfume3.(阶级地位特殊、生活享受优越的) highly privileged; elitist; 高贵出身者 gentleman; 高贵身份 ge
高贵族:  nobility
高贵大方:  yosiko suenaga
高贵地:  nobly
高贵无比:  excelsior
高贵身份:  gentility
高贵之:  oligocene
高贵丸:  kogi maru
出生高贵:  of distinguished birth
高贵血统:  blue blood
Example Sentences:
1.In the gentle condition of blood, you should so know me .
2.This noble man had to risk his life on that primitive invention .
3.Some compensate by disguise, affecting the accent, posture, and bonhomie of the well-bred .
4.The true noble men were above pity and compassion
5.You , an actor , mocked your betters
6." why , you have just said , - a man of high distinction .
“你刚才自己说的呀,他是个身份很高贵的人。 ”
7.He is a man of noble appearance
8." on the contrary , she often says , morcerf , i believe the count has a noble nature ; try to gain his esteem
“正巧相反,她说:马尔塞夫,我想伯爵是一个生性高贵的人,尽力获得他的喜欢吧。 ”
9.The world belongs to the strong - to the strong who are noble as well and who do not wallow in the swine - trough of trade and exchange
10.Surely men of low degree are vanity , and men of high degree are a lie : to be laid in the balance , they are altogether lighter than vanity
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