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English translation for "香港公"

hong kong institute of certified public accountants
hong kong park
sheng kung hui

Related Translations:
公高:  kimitakakintaka
公明:  a surname 短语和例子公明高 gongming gao
公话:  a28kgcd-888
田公:  dien congtagimitakimitakotanokimi
公直:  kiminao
公福:  kimifuku
义公:  yoshihiro
鹅公:  egong
公契:  deed of mutual covenant
秦公:  qin gong
Example Sentences:
1.Hong kong catholic marriage advisory council , the
2.Hong kong catholic marriage advisory council , the
3.Hong kong catholic marriage advisory council
4.Boys girls clubs assn
5.10 . official languages authentic chinese text community chest of hong kong ordinance order
10 .法定语文中文真确本香港公
6.A3 . jagersma h . , a history of israel to bar kochba ( london : scm press 1994 )
(宋兰友译) , 《以色列的历史和宗教》 ,香港公教真理学会1990 。
7.Currently , he is the head of the diocesan av centre , the president of signis hong kong and is an ex - com member of youth outreach
8.Co - organized with signis hong kong , it is a salute to films that fully express social and humanitarian concerns , as well as spiritual and artistic values
9.Ska , j . l . , our father have told us : introduction to the analysis of hebrew narratives . subsidia biblica 13 . rome : editrice pontificio istituto biblico , 1990
(宋兰友译) , 《我们的祖先说:希伯来叙述分析简析》 ,香港香港公教真理学会1997 。
10.Viii to set up funds so as to provide doctrinal formation and pastoral training for voluntary workers recommended by parishes , with the assistance of professional organizations e . g . , cmac and caritas
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