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English translation for "颜色加深"

color burn

Related Translations:
加深工具:  burn tool
颜色指数:  color index
颜色库:  colour library
颜色样本:  color cardcolor swaches
颜色柔和:  a soft colour
名字颜色:  namecolor - char name color
颜色固化:  ce color solid
投影颜色:  shadow color
颜色平衡:  cb color balancecolour balance
瓦片颜色:  tiles color
Example Sentences:
1.At the same time , the urine also gets darker , almost like tea . this is called jaundice
2.Now apply the default layer style for drop shadow and set the layer blending mode to color burn
3.Then copy this layer and place several butterflies above the background ' s layer , minimizing the opacity till 24 % and change its type on color burn
复制蝴蝶层,将蝴蝶层放置在背景上面,透明度降低为24 % ,层模式设置为颜色加深
4.1 ) under the enhanced ultraviolet - b radiation , the wheat seedlings shown the decreased height and leaf area , accumulation of screening pigments and " root - bending "
结果表明: ( 1 )经增强uv - b辐射后,小麦明显表现出植株矮化、叶片卷曲、颜色加深,并产生“翘根” (胚根向上弯曲)现象。
5.1 . a new method to identify _ amylase activity and its producing bacteria : the blue complex was formed by unspecific adsorption , after mixing starch and trypan _ blue . the adsorption weakened when the starch was hydrolyzed to small molecular by _ amylase , and the trypan _ blue was released inside the hydrolyed zone . the starch around the zone which was not hydrolyzed adsorbed free trypan - blue so that the colour of medium became bluer than that of place in hydrolyzed zone
6.In peel of citrus fruit , red cultivar " mantouhong " accumulated mainly p - citraurin component , whereas orange cultivar " owari satsuma mandarin " accumulated mainly p - cryptoxanthin component . 4 . effects of shading fruit with opaque paper bag at the late stage of fruit enlargement on change in chlorophyll , carotenoid , sugar content and peel color in " hongshigan " citrus ( c . suavissima hort . ex tanaka x c . sinensis osbeck ) were examined
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