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English translation for "预备会议"

preliminary conference
preliminary meetings
preparatory meeting

Related Translations:
预备退火:  pre-annealing
预备指示灯:  ready light
预备目标:  alternative targetlast-resort target
预备测试:  preliminary checkout
预备演员:  understudy
预备工序:  front travel
预备项目:  preparatory project
预备航次:  preliminary voyage
预备开饭:  lay the cloth
预备程序:  preliminary program
Example Sentences:
1.The preliminary meeting shall be presided over by the standing committee of the people ' s congress
2.Super tuesday is a day when a large number of states hold primary elections or caucus meetings . primaries and caucuses are part of the nominating process
3.The preparatory meeting of the first session of each national people ' s congress shall be conducted by the standing committee of the previous national people ' s congress
4.The preliminary meeting for the first session of a people ' s congress shall be presided over by the standing committee of the preceding people ' s congress at the corresponding level
5.Feng , c . m . , 2000 . 8 , " perspectives on liberalization of chinese maritime transportation market " , 2000 ewc / koti conference on " creating a regional transportation system in northeast asia " , honolulu , pp . 1 - 17
冯正民, 2000 . 12 , "以智慧型运输系统来落实永续运输与人本运输" ,第六次全国科技会议预备会议
6.Those presenters whose presentation files are not prepared in the format of powerpoint , and those presenters who will not be able to attend the opening ceremony , are requested to send their presentation files to the symposium secretariat not later than april 20 , 2002 , for testing compatibility with the visual projectors and notebook computers that the symposium will provide
3 .参与预备会议( pre - session meeting ) :每一位论文宣读人均应于会前十分钟于其宣读会场参加由主持人召集之预备会议,主持人姓名、宣读会场位置等资料均列明于会议手册上及大会专属网站上。
Similar Words:
"预备航次" English translation, "预备航行" English translation, "预备好" English translation, "预备好的" English translation, "预备好的状态" English translation, "预备会员" English translation, "预备活动" English translation, "预备基地" English translation, "预备基金" English translation, "预备机" English translation