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English translation for "靶细胞"

target cell

Related Translations:
靶艇:  drone shiptarget boat
靶壕:  marking pittrench
地面靶:  clout target
靶火焰:  target plume
靶框:  aperturetarget box
氚靶:  tritium target
动靶:  [物理学] moving-target
靶垫:  boss
靶纸:  target papertarget posterstarget sheet
靶上修正:  adjustment on the target
Example Sentences:
1.The molecular eents of androgen ? ar action in a target cell
图2雄激素- ar在靶细胞作用的分子事件
2.Infected cells or free virions can reach target cells in a new host via blood transfusion , accidental injection , or mucous membrane exposure
3.On the basis of the above theory , qiangshu antihypertensive tablet has been made by several famous rare traditional chinese herbs via the modern biotechnology
4.There are two main other ways : we can inject something that makes the unwanted cells commit suicide but doesn ' t touch other cells , or we can stimulate the immune system to kill the target cells
5.Both approaches involve making use of distinctive molecules on the surface of the target cells : luckily , different cell types tend to have different things on their surface , so this shouldn ' t be too hard
6.Significantly , chemo killed not just rapidly diiding cells ? the typical target of cancer therapy ? but brain cells that weren ' t reproducing , including those responsible for creating the insulation around nere cells , noble says
7.For example , fat diabetic patients obesity makes the insulin receptor of their target cell to be not sensitive , though their insulin release is normal or even higher than normal level , their blood sugar is still high and can not be pushed down
8.Different lines of evidence suggest that the envelope proteins of hcv , e1 ( aa 192 - 383 ) and e2 ( 384 - 746 ) , may play important and vital roles in its infection of target cells , thus becoming the main targets of hcv vaccine research
多种证据表明, hcv被膜蛋白e1 ( aa192 - 383 )和e2 ( 384 - 746 )在hcv感染靶细胞的过程中可能发挥了重要而且关键的作用,因此成为hcv疫苗研制的主要靶分子。
9.The results indicate that dna ssbs could be induced by mtx in some cells of mice . there are differences in sensitivity of various organs in the mice and cells of spleen , thymus , bone marrow and peripheral lymphocytes may be the important target cells of mtx
结论: mtx可致小鼠体内多脏器细胞的dna单链断裂,不同脏器细胞对mtx的易感性不同,脾、骨髓、胸腺、外周血淋巴细胞可能是mtx的遗传毒性靶细胞
10.Materials : in this study , bone marrow stromal cells ( bmscs ) were used as seed cells of chondrocyte tissue engineering after transfected transforming growth factor ( tgf ) - ft , gene by lipofectamine . then the biological characters of the transfected bmscs were investigated by many methods
本研究以骨髓基质干细胞( bmscs )作为靶细胞, tgf _ 1基因片段作为目的基因,经lipofectamine转染目的基因与靶细胞中,观察bmscs经基因转染后的生物学特性。
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