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English translation for "闹得满城风雨"

cause a big scandal

Related Translations:
满城风雨:  storm the whole city -- cause [give rise to] a big scandal; raise a colossal [widespread] uproar; (of news, rumour) spread all over the city; widespread excitement over an incident; scanda
闹区:  downtown
闹堂:  bonanza
吼闹:  ranting
闹独立性:  assert one's independence; refuse to obey the leadership
嘻闹:  play
闹生产:  go in for production
闹技术革新:  make a technical innovation
狂闹的:  daftfurious
闹警时间:  alarm time
Example Sentences:
1.If that should become known, it would be making a good deal of noise, i think .
2.Even if you have found the secret , there is no need to cry it from the housetop .
3.He got a lot of publicity at the time--two or three years ago--a money scandal of some kind .
4.No time could have been more unfortunate for the emergence of a really ripe public scandal .
5.Do you not know that such a report is spread abroad ?
难道你不知道这个消息已经闹得满城风雨了吗? ”
6.She made a tremendous fuss about it
7.There had been too much publicity about their relationship
8.Kevin : no , no , " oh . " i became her cause celebre . i was an exchange student in my own home
别“噢” ,因为我的事被闹得满城风雨,在家我就象是个另类的人。
9.The reason for all this fuss lies in the nature of the two beasts involved ? the journal and the mogul
这项交易闹得满城风雨是因为当事双方的性质? ? 《华尔街日报》和传媒大亨。
10.Marguerite had been pretty , but the greater the commotion that attends the sensational lives of these women , the smaller the stir once they are dead
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