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English translation for "镀钛"


Related Translations:
钛钽精矿:  titanium tantalum concentrate
漏镀:  skiprinting skiplating
镀焊剂:  soldering plating
干镀:  dry coating
坏镀:  mechanical galvanized
镀涂:  overlay
镀铬:  chromate treatment; chrome-plating; chroming; chromium-plating 短语和例子镀铬合金的物体 chrome; 镀铬层 chromium coating; 镀铬物 chrome
涂镀:  brushing platingcoating
快速镀槽:  accelerated bath
镀膜加工:  coatings
Example Sentences:
1.Process various vacuum gilt products , titanize , gilt
2.Gold coating , tin plating , tic plating
3.Gold coating , tin plating
4.Composition and structure of ti6ai4v alloy surface on which pure titanium was coated by vacuum - evaporating at high temperature
5.The circular roof , modeled on a traditional korean is covered with titanium - coated steel , built to withstand the heaviest of storms
6.The circular roof , modeled on a traditional korean pavilion , is covered with titanium - coated steel , built to withstand the heaviest of storms
7.The circular roof , modeled on a traditional korean pavilion , is covered with titanium - coated steel , built to withstand the heaviest of storms
8.The case of sag series is utilizing the advanced vacuum ti plating techniques , therefore very beauty in looking and also corrosion - resistance . its ability to anti - corrosion is 10 times higher than zinc plating
其中, sag外装式提前器外壳采用真空镀钛先进工艺,具有美观不脱镀的优点,其耐腐蚀性是普通镀锌的十倍。
9.2 sintering equipment of powder metallurgy products : iron / copper matrix push rod type sintering furnace , net strip sintering furnace , rapidly cooling vacuum sintering furnace ( patent awarded ) , high temperature molybdenum wire sintering furnace , equipment of titanium coating on diamonds
粉末冶金制品烧结设备:铁/铜基推杆式烧结炉,网带烧结炉,内置式快冷真空烧结炉(专利产品) ,高温钼丝烧结炉,金刚石镀钛设备。
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