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English translation for "银行存单"

deposit receipt
the fixed deposit certificate

Related Translations:
存单:  certificate of deposit; deposit receipt 短语和例子定期存单 time certificate; 存单市场 market of certificates of deposit
大额存单:  certificate depositscertificate of deposit (cd)
份额存单:  tranche cd certificate of deposit
储蓄存单:  savings centificate
定期存单:  certificate of time depositfixed deposit receiptfixed deposit slipstime certificatetime deposit certificate
存单市场:  market of certificates of deposit
活期存单:  demand certificate
美元存单:  dollar certificate of depositedollar certificate of deposits
国库存单:  treasury deposit receipt
存折存单:  savings deposit certificate
Example Sentences:
1.Bank deposit slips and certificates of deposit ,
2.Find my bank statement and get the accountant on the phone
3.They opened it , and found 900 , 000 francs in bank scrip
4.Please note that every deposit slip must be accompanied by a deposit certificate
5.Please note that every deposit slip must be accompanied by a deposit certificate
6.Financial documents deposit slips bank books with evidence of the source of the funds
7.From the 1st of july 2006 all deposit slips must be accompanied by a deposit certificate
8.This should be in the form of a bank statement or equivalent document from your reference in ireland
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