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English translation for "针锋相对"

[ zhēnfēngxiāngduì ] 
give tit for tat; be diametrically opposed to; blow by blow; contrast sharply with; diamond cut diamond; give sb. tit for tat; pay tit-for-tat; stand in sharp opposition to ...; two sides of the argument match point by point.; the two sides meet squarely on the issue in an argument.: 进行针锋相对的斗争 wage a tit-for-tat struggle against

Related Translations:
针锋相对地:  measure for measuretit for tat
diamond针锋相对:  diamond cuts
针锋相对的:  counter 2measure for measure
针锋相对的争论:  swordplay
进行针锋相对的斗争:  wage a tit for tat struggle against
Example Sentences:
1.They are in diametrical opposition to each other ..
2.Lydgate had the counter idea .
3.I went head to head with him .
4.Mother's voice held a challenge of stubborn exactitude .
5.Instead, we had to meet it head on and replace rumors with the facts .
6.The french in their turn have, i believe, treated our goods and manufactures just as hardly .
7.To prevent warmth, all expressions of positiveness in opinions, or direct contradiction, were after some time made contraband .
8.Laird pointed out that our effort in vietnam was certain to suffer if we became involved in a tit-for-tat with north korea .
9.On the flip side of decompilation is obfuscation
10.So then why do we clash so much at work
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