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English translation for "酝酿阶段"

embryonic stage

Related Translations:
酝酿:  1.(图谋) brew; ferment 短语和例子酝酿起义 ferment an uprising; 脑子里酝酿着一个计划 a plan fermented in one's mind; 他们之间正在酝酿着纠纷。 there's trouble brewing between them.2.(非正式讨论; 仔细考虑) have a preliminary informal
酝酿起义:  ferment an uprising
酝酿酵母:  distiller’s yeast
酝酿着:  afoot
酝酿成形:  incubation
brewing酝酿:  brewing brewing
个别酝酿:  individual consultation
社会酝酿:  social fermentation
酝酿当中:  in the air
酝酿期:  induction period
Example Sentences:
1.The scheme is still in its embryonic stage .
2.The property tax should be levied on earth , is still in the stage of fermenting at present
3.As in the run - up to other wars , there is today more than enough tinder lying around to spark a great power conflict
4.People in washington have always lived and breathed politics . in the run - up to this year ' s election , they can drink it too
5.Be the continues and develops of mankind design activity , it has a long history origin ; be the modern course which is independent and integrity , it has experienced a ferment stage of a long - term , just starting to establish till 20 ' s in 20 century
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