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English translation for "邓培"

deng pei

Related Translations:
邓剑:  deng jian
邓雷:  dunrea
邓牧:  deng mu
邓华:  deng hua
邓光荣:  alan tang
邓布尔:  dumble
邓有成:  deng youcheng
邓旭:  deng xu
培利:  matthew perry
邓家慧:  jiahui deng
Example Sentences:
1.Mr . dengpeixing , those children will remember you forever ! you give them hope
2.Producer of this movie : mr . dengpeixing , chief machinator : mr . wangsanxue
3.Mr . fanbaojun , the president of chinese charity total association together with mr . suqingyu , the vice president , took an interview with mr . dengpeixing and director mr . wangsanxue
4.At 09 : 43 , in the meeting room of chinese charity total association , mr . fanbaojun , mr . suqingyu , mr . dengpeixing and mr . wangsanxue stepped into the meeting room and sat down to discuss the issues
5.We come here to condole you and celebrate new year with you together representing the producing team of movie brilliant starlight , the board chairman mr . dengpeixing of canton resun group and its staff
我们代表电影星光灿烂摄制组代表广东日生集团邓培星董事长及公司全体员工来看望大家,来和大家一起过年! ”
6.When i was preparing to set out for the aids village , mr . dengpeixing called me and said we should take some more clothes since it snowed there , and the salvation money had been sent to those aids villages already
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